BOSTON (CBS) — A light and sound show designed specifically for the Hatch Shell will play from January 22 to February 21. The show, “Hatched: Breaking through the Silence,” celebrates 20 years of partnership between the Esplanade Association and the Massachusetts Department of Conservation.
Beginning at 5 p.m. each night, the 15-minute show will restart every 20 minutes until 9 p.m. ‘
Hatched features colorful animations, geometric shapes of musical instruments, and visuals of hands tapping and creating sound set to music composed by Maria Finkelmier.
“When I think of the Hatch Shell, I envision gorgeous music, community, and a love for my city. Memories of concerts, walks, and bike rides along the Esplanade come to mind. With Hatched, my team and I are elated to create a new type of expression that brings original music, visuals, and new technology to the iconic structure, encouraging viewers to form a new memory of the space – a memory that will carry us into the New Year and beyond, celebrating creativity, resilience, and joy,” said Artistic Director and Composer of Hatched, Maria Finkelmeier.
Viewers are asked to wear a mask and maintain social-distancing.
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January 04, 2021 at 11:07PM
Winter Light And Sound Show Coming To Esplanade For One Month - CBS Boston
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