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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Muncul Suara Decitan Dari CVT Honda BeAT, Ternyata Ini Penyebabnya - - Jangan panik kalau suara berdecit muncul dari area CVT Honda BeAT?

Ternyata penyebab suara berdecit pada CVT Honda BeAT bukan dari v-beltnya.

Suara berdecit yang berasal dari area CVT Honda BeAT disebabkan oleh kampas ganda.

"Penyebab suara berdecit itu biasanya berasal dari bagian kopling atau kampas ganda yang kotor," buka Maman Sugiman, owner bengkel Boim Motor kepada

Baca Juga: Intip Harga Honda BeAT di Malaysia, Enggak Nyangka Jadi Semahal Ini

Menurut pria yang akrab disapa Boim ini, suara berdecit pada area CVT Honda BeAT berasal dari kondisi rumah atau mangkuk kampas ganda.

"Kemudian rumah kampas ganda yang kotor juga bisa menimbulkan suara berdecit ketika bergesekan dengan kampas ganda," jelas pria yang pernah menjadi instruktur di Hartomo Mechanical Traning Center (HMTC) Depok ini.

Ilustrasi kampas ganda


Ilustrasi kampas ganda

Kampas ganda berkerja secara sentrifugal, artinya pada rpm tertentu, kampas ganda akan mengembang.

Saat kampas ganda mengembang, permukaan kampas ganda akan mengenai permukaan rumah kampas ganda dan akhirnya memutar rumah kampas ganda yang kemudian diteruskan ke ban.

Baca Juga: Pakai Kampas Ganda Pantekan di Motor Matic? Ternyata Ini Kerugiannya

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May 01, 2020 at 11:44AM

Muncul Suara Decitan Dari CVT Honda BeAT, Ternyata Ini Penyebabnya -
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Kemenhub Bolehkan Masyarakat Mudik Lebaran Kalau Mendesak - - Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub) tengah menyusun aturan terkait dibolehkannya masyarakat berkebutuhan mendesak untuk mudik, meski pelarangan sedang berlangsung.

Aturan tersebut nanti merupakan turunan dari Permenhub No 25 tahun 2020 tentang Pengendalian Transportasi Selama Musim Mudik Idul Fitri 1441 H dalam rangka Pencegahan Penyebaran Covid-19.

Penyusunan aturan itu juga mempertimbangkan usulan dari Kemenko Perekonomian untuk mengakomodir kebutuhan yang penting dan mendesak bagi masyarakat agar perekonomian tetap dapat berjalan dengan baik dengan menyediakan transportasi penumpang secara terbatas, dengan syarat tetap memenuhi protokol kesehatan.

"Yang tengah kami lakukan adalah menyusun Surat Edaran dari Dirjen Perhubungan Darat, Laut, Udara dan Perkeretaapian sebagai aturan turunan dari Permenhub 25/2020," ujar Juru Bicara Kemenhub Adita Irawati dalam keterangannya, Jumat (1/5/2020).

Adita melanjutkan, surat Edaran Dirjen nantinya akan mengatur kegiatan penyediaan transportasi (darat, laut, udara dan kereta api) untuk bepergian masyarakat dengan kebutuhan yang penting dan mendesak, yang harus dilaksanakan sesuai dengan tata cara physical distancing yang telah diatur dalam Permenhub 18/2020.

"Kemenhub juga tengah mengkoordinasikan teknis pelaksanaan pemeriksaan calon penumpang dengan kriteria kebutuhan penting dan mendesak dengan pihak terkait seperti Kementerian Kesehatan dan Tim Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19 sebagai pihak yang berwenang terhadap protokol kesehatan," imbuhnya.

Kendati demikian, tegas Adita, sebelum Surat Edaran tersebut diterbitkan, saat ini aturan yang berlaku terkait larangan penggunaan sarana transportasi masih seperti yang berlangsung saat ini yaitu larangan mengangkut penumpang keluar dan masuk wilayah PSBB di semua moda transportasi.

"Sedangkan transportasi untuk logistik dan angkutan barang tetap berjalan seperti biasa," pungkas Adita.

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May 01, 2020 at 10:02AM

Kemenhub Bolehkan Masyarakat Mudik Lebaran Kalau Mendesak -
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Sound Source: Nat Scholl talks about transitioning into solo music - The Daily Northwestern

While he previously played with his former band, Arch Supports, Nat Scholl is starting out as a solo musician. With an album in the works, Scholl talks about his transition between bands and his experience making music at Northwestern.

DANIELLA TELLO-GARZON: From The Daily Northwestern, I’m Daniella Tello-Garzon, and you’re listening to Sound Source, a podcast about the Northwestern music scene. This episode is about SESP junior Nat Scholl, a solo musician who previously played in Arch Supports and is currently in between bands.

NAT SCHOLL: My name is Nat Scholl, and I’m a singer and songwriter, and my old band was Arch Supports. We’re still all jamming together in different forms, but we’re not really, we don’t really play shows anymore. A lot of it was because one of the members graduated. I still play music with my roommate, Layton (Guyton).

DANIELLA TELLO-GARZON: Nat and his former band members were inspired to start their band at a party for people in WNUR, Northwestern’s student-run radio station.

NAT SCHOLL: I feel like you can’t really go through a rock show or WNUR party without at some point someone being like “Yo, you want to jam at some point?” and you meet to like talk about jamming at an indeterminate time and it usually never happens. And so that didn’t happen a few times. And then it just kind of did happen with the group of people I ended up playing with.

LAYTON GUYTON: We spent a lot of time talking about music, like recommending each other stuff. And then just, just messing around with different songs in my dorm room. I think we both came in with ideas for stuff that we just had written on our own but were hoping to get other people to play with.

DANIELLA TELLO-GARZON: That was Nat’s roommate, McCormick junior Layton Guyton. Freshman year, they lived in the same building and quickly started playing together.

DANIELLA TELLO-GARZON: The members of Arch Supports all were Northwestern students or graduates, so when they based their band name on a twist of words, many people guessed their name had its origins with the University.

NAT SCHOLL: This is a very common misconception that I’d love to clear up. OK, a lot of people think it has stuff to do with Northwestern because apparently there’s like an arch at Northwestern or something like that. But it’s not. It’s because, my roommate came up with it, Layton. It’s because my last name is Scholl. It was originally gonna be called Dr. Scholl and the Arch Supports cause Dr. Scholl is like that foot insole company or whatever. But yeah, nothing to do with Northwestern.

DANIELLA TELLO-GARZON: Arch Supports released a song called “Donuts” back in August of last year. The track can be found on Bandcamp.

DANIELLA TELLO-GARZON: Now, Nat is working on his solo music.

NAT SCHOLL: I’m trying to come out with an album. I’m currently recording some stuff in St. Louis. And that’ll probably not be out for like a year, but there will be some songs out hopefully on Spotify or whatever streaming service you use.

NAT SCHOLL: The music I’m currently making is kind of a cross between like indie rock, but with punk vocals because I can’t really sing. I have some folk influences. And what I really want to start making, I want to start making just pop music. I’m a little bit tired of indie rock and stuff like that. I want to just make kind of weird pop.

LAYTON GUYTON: I’ve definitely heard a ton of different sounds coming out of whatever he’s doing in the living room at any given time. But yeah, I think he’s, he’s gotten a little more ambitious in the genres he’s trying to cover. He writes songs really, really fast, like so quickly. When he’s inspired, he can just like bang them out and they’re all like really, really good. He’s an extremely talented writer and lyricist. I’ve never really been able to understand how he cranks them out so quickly, but it’s really cool.

DANIELLA TELLO-GARZON: On top of being able to write quality songs very quickly, Layton also thinks Nat has another strength.

LAYTON GUYTON: Over the summer we were playing sort of like our first real show at a bar in the city. And there had been a string missing on Nat’s guitar for like weeks that we just hadn’t really got around to fixing. He’s just like, “it’s not important, I can play without it. It’s not like something that I ever really use.” And then like 30 minutes before we’re going to the show, we’re like, “Oh, shit, there’s still the string missing from your guitar.” He’s like, “No, it doesn’t matter. It’s not a big deal. I don’t care,” and I was like, “You’re missing a whole string of your instrument, we can fix that really quick,” and he was like, “It’s cool. It’s not a big deal.” And we ended up throwing it on very quickly, but he’s not super particular about the way that he makes music and what he uses to make art. He can sort of thrive with any materials you give him or any sort of setup he has, he’ll be able to create with that.

DANIELLA TELLO-GARZON: Thanks for listening. This is Daniella Tello-Garzon, and I’ll see you next time.

DANIELLA TELLO-GARZON: This episode was reported and produced by me, Daniella Tello-Garzon. The audio editor of The Daily Northwestern is Molly Lubbers. The digital managing editors are Kalen Luciano and Heena Srivastava, and the editor in chief is Marissa Martinez.

Twitter: @daniellatgarzon

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Sound Source: Meet People and Make Music, All Online
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Sound Source: DJ Melia Agudelo on mixing music and making people dance


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May 01, 2020 at 10:46AM

Sound Source: Nat Scholl talks about transitioning into solo music - The Daily Northwestern
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Movie Scene: Quintero On Cue In 'The Sound Of The Wind' - Journal & Topics Newspapers Online

Christian Gnecco Quintero in “The Sound of The Wind.”
“The Sound of the Wind” (83 min., Unrated, but contains language and violence suitable for an R-rating)
As everyone knows, the pandemic has crippled just about every entertainment outlet we’ve all been accustomed to having at our fingertips. The film industry has been hit hard as production has been halted and the theaters remain dark. However, one market that has prospered from the stay-at-home order is TV. We’re all staying at home -- and...

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May 01, 2020 at 04:06AM

Movie Scene: Quintero On Cue In 'The Sound Of The Wind' - Journal & Topics Newspapers Online
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Jambret Terpental Ditabrak Mobil Saat Beraksi dan 4 Berita Viral Lainnya - - Beredar video dua orang pelaku jambret terpental usai ditabrak mobil saat sedang beraksi di Kota Jambi. Keduanya langsung diamankan oleh warga sekitar yang berada di lokasi.

Sementara itu, ucapan tokoh intelektual Muslim Emha Ainun Najib alias Cak Nun saat berceramah di Bantul kembali viral. Ucapan Cak Nun tersebut dinilai relevan dengan kejadian keributan di Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara (Sumut).

Selain dua berita viral di atas, telah merangkum berita viral lainnya sepanjang Kamis (30/4/2020).

1. Jambret Terpental Disundul Mobil Usai Beraksi, Warganet: Kapokmu Kapan

Aksi penjambretan di Jambi. (Instagram)
Aksi penjambretan di Jambi. (Instagram)

Dua orang pelaku penjambretan di kota Jambi terpental usai ditabrak oleh pengendara mobil yang melihat aksi mereka.

Aksi penjambretan yang terekam CCTV itu viral di media sosial usai diunggah oleh akun @ndorobeii lewat Instagram.

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2. Geger Warung di Sumut Diserang Ormas, Ceramah Cak Nun di Bantul Viral Lagi

Ceramah lawas Cak Nun viral lagi setelah geger warung tuak di Sumut dipaksa tutup - (Facebook/Lamria Manullang, Twitter/@TretanMuslim)
Ceramah lawas Cak Nun viral lagi setelah geger warung tuak di Sumut dipaksa tutup - (Facebook/Lamria Manullang, Twitter/@TretanMuslim)

Di tengah bulan Ramadan, sebuah keributan di Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatra Utara (Sumut) ramai dibicarakan di media sosial. Ucapan tokoh intelektual Muslim Emha Ainun Najib alias Cak Nun saat berceramah di Bantul pun kembali viral, lantaran dinilai relevan dengan kejadian itu.

Dua video keributan tersebut diunggah pada Rabu (29/4/2020) dini hari oleh akun Facebook Lamria Manullang di grup INFO KEJADIAN TAPANULI UTARA (IKTU). Dalam video itu, tampak sekelompok pria mendatangi warungnya.

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3. Viral Pengendara Yamaha Mio Menerjang Portal Jalan, Potretnya Bikin Heran

Motor terjang portal jalan. (Facebook/Nuril Jauhary)
Motor terjang portal jalan. (Facebook/Nuril Jauhary)

Ramai di media sosial, potret yang memperlihatkan momen detik-detik usai kecelakaan seorang pengendara Yamaha Mio.

Pengendara motor berwarna putih tersebut terpotret menabrak sebuah portal pembatas jalan.

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4. Viral Bapak-bapak Pakai Masker di Dahi hingga Mau Jilat Hand Sanitizer

Viral Bapak-bapak Pakai Masker di Dahi hingga Mau Jilat Hand Sanitizer (Instagram)
Viral Bapak-bapak Pakai Masker di Dahi hingga Mau Jilat Hand Sanitizer (Instagram)

WHO dan para ahli medis menyarankan orang-orang untuk memakai masker dan rajin mencuci tangan untuk mencegah penyebaran virus corona.

Namun, tampaknya edukasi pemakaian masker dan hand sanitzer yang benar belum diketahui semua orang. Contohnya dalam video viral berikut ini.

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5. Viral Pemotor Ditodong Sajam, Reaksi Petugas SPBU Ini Bikin Jadi Sorotan

Viral pemotor ditodong senjata tajam saat di SPBU. (Instagram)
Viral pemotor ditodong senjata tajam saat di SPBU. (Instagram)

Seorang petugas SPBU tengah ramai dibicarakan warganet usai aksinya menjadi viral di media sosial. Dalam sebuah rekaman video CCTV, petugas ini tertangkap kamera nekat menghadapi sekelompok pembawa senjata tajam.

Video tersebut diunggah oleh akun Instagram @agoez_bandz4 hari ini (30/4/2020). Dalam unggahan tersebut, disebutkan bahwa kejadian ini berlokasi di sebuah SPBU di daerah Rempoa, Tangerang Selatan, Banten. Kejadian tersebut dituliskan berlangsung pada dini hari kemarin, pukul 01.20 WIB.

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May 01, 2020 at 07:17AM

Jambret Terpental Ditabrak Mobil Saat Beraksi dan 4 Berita Viral Lainnya -
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Kambing Mengeluarkan Suara, Perbuatan HS dan AJ Terbongkar - FAJAR

FAJAR.CO.ID, TANGERANG – HS (29) dan AJ (20) harus berurusan dengan hukum karena melakukan perbuatan tidak terpuji.

Dua pria asal Kemiri, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten, itu tertangkap basah mencuri kambing milik Sarwani, Minggu (26/4).

Ulah HS dan AJ terbongkar setelah kambing yang mereka curi mengeluarkan suara. Warga yang mendengar suara kambing lantas mengejar HS dan AJ. Kedua pelaku panik ketika dikejar.

Sepeda motor yang mereka tunggangi terbalik. Warga lantas mengeroyok HS dan AJ.

Dua maling sontoloyo itu masih bernasib baik karena ada warga yang merasa iba. HS dan AJ lantas diamankan. Tidak berselang lama petugas Polsek Cikande datang dan langsung menggelandang HS dan AJ.

“Keduanya warga Kabupaten Tangerang, sudah kami tahan sejak Minggu (26/4),” kata Kapolsek Cikande Kompol M Ridzky Salatun, Selasa (28/4).

Dia menambahkan, pihaknya mengamankan satu unit sepeda motor dan seekor kambing.

Ridzky menduga HS dan AJ sudah sering mencuri ternak milik warga.
“Kasusnya masih dilakukan pengembangan,” ucap Ridzky.

Saat ini HS dan AJ telah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka dan ditahan di sel Mapolsek Cikande. Keduanya dijerat Pasal 363 KUH Pidana.

“Ancaman pidananya di atas lima tahun,” kata alumnus Akpol 2006 tersebut. (radarbanten/jpnn/fajar)

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May 01, 2020 at 08:32AM

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Islanders, Sound Tigers sign defensemen for next season - CTPost

The New York Islanders and Bridgeport Sound Tigers each added a defenseman for the 2020-21 season on Thursday. Both could wind up in Bridgeport.

The Islanders announced they’d signed Samuel Bolduc, their second-round pick in last year’s NHL draft, to his three-year, entry-level contract. The Sound Tigers announced that Adam Brubacher has agreed to terms on an AHL deal.

Bolduc, 19, put up 43 points in 61 games in the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League before the season ended because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Listed at 6-foot-4 and 210 pounds, Bolduc was the 57th pick in last June’s draft.

Brubacher, 24, completed four years at RIT, scoring between 23 and 31 points in each season. He had 28 points, including 24 assists, this season, which the pandemic cut short in the Atlantic Hockey quarterfinals.

He and former RIT teammate Erik Brown attended the Islanders’ development camp last summer on Long Island. Brown, a forward, signed with the Sound Tigers for this season but has missed it with a lower-body injury he suffered in a preseason game.

Both contracts are for next season. They could conceivably join Bridgeport on amateur tryouts in the unlikely event this AHL season, suspended on March 12, continues.; @fornabaioctp;

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May 01, 2020 at 05:41AM

Islanders, Sound Tigers sign defensemen for next season - CTPost
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Menko Luhut Binsar Panjaitan Resmi Laporkan Said Didu ke Bareskrim Polri - - Menteri Koordinator Kemaritiman dan Investasi Luhut Binsar Panjaitan resmi melaporkan mantan Sekretaris BUMN Muhammad Said Didu ke Bareskrim Polri. Luhut melaporkan Sa'id Didu atas dugaan telah mencemarkan nama baik.

Berdasar surat laporan polisi yang diterima, laporan tersebut dilayangkan pada tanggal 8 April 2020 lalu. Juru bicara Luhut, Jodi Mahardi pun membenarkan adanya laporan tersebut.

"Ya benar," kata Jodi saat dikonfirmasi, Kamis (30/4/2020).

Sebelumnya, Luhut menyampaikan telah mempersiapkan proses hukum terkait dugaan pencemaran nama baik yang dilakukan Said Didu.

Kasus tersebut bermula tatkala Said Didu membuat sebuah video yang tersebar di YouTube dengan judul "MSD: Luhut hanya pikirkan uang, uang, dan uang."

Tak disangka video itu ternyata diketahui Luhut. Melalui juru bicaranya yakni Jodi, Luhut meminta Said Didu untuk menyampaikan permintaan maaf dalam tenggat waktu 2x24 jam. Kalau tidak, maka pihak Luhut akan menempuh jalur hukum.

Setelah itu, Said Didu pun sempat menyampaikan klarifikasinya melalui sepucuk surat yang ditujukan kepada Luhut. Jodi mengatakan, surat itu sudah dibaca Luhut namun tak ada komentar apapun darinya.

"Pak Luhut sudah baca. Tidak ada komentar apa-apa," kata Jodi kepada, Rabu (8/4) lalu.

Luhut pun bersedia kalau apa yang dilakukan Said Didu itu dilanjutkan ke proses hukum. Dalam kesempatan itu, Jodi tidak sepakat apabila Luhut dianggap sebagai orang yang antikritik. Lantaran, Luhut sudah memberikan kesempatan Said Didu untuk meminta maaf atas pernyataannya yang dianggap tidak mendasar.

"Mungkin memang kita 'rada-rada dungu' kalau pinjam istilah Pak Said Didu, enggak paham suratnya itu apakah minta maaf atau apa...," ucap Jodi ketika itu.

"Pak Luhut, kalau dibilang antikritik atau otoriter tidak benar lah. Orang dikasih kesempatan minta maaf kok," imbuhnya.

Sebagaimana diketahui, Sa'id Didu sempat mengirim surat Luhut. Dalam surat tersebut, Said Didu menyampaikan beberapa klarifikasi.

Surat tertanggal 7 April 2020 ini merupakan balasan surat Luhut pada tanggal 4 April yang lalu.

Melalui unggahan di akun Twitter pribadinya, @msaid_didu, pada Selasa (7/4/2020) Sa'id Didu menunjukkan surat tersebut. Terdapat empat poin yang menjadi klarifikasi Said Didu.

Poin pertama, Said Didu menjelaskan bahwa video yang diunggah dengan judul "Luhut: Uang, Uang dan Uang" pada kanal YouTube M Said Didu merupakan ulasan analisis prioritas kebijakan pemerintah dalam penanganan Covid-19.

Said Didu menegaskan, pernyataannya yang menyebut Luhut hanya memikirkan uang, uang dan uang juga termasuk dalam rangkaian analisis tersebut.

Menurutnya, kebijakan pemerintah saat ini lebih mengutamakan kebijakan penyelamatan ekonomi dibandingkan dengan kebijakan mengatasi pandemi Virus Corona. Selain itu, Said Didu berpendapat Luhut sebagai menteri lebih mengutamakan kebijakan penyelamatan investasi. Ia juga meluruskan pernyataannya terkait dengan Sapta Marga.

"Pernyataan saya terkait Sapta Marga yang secara jelas saya katakan bahwa 'semoga terbersit kembali Sapta Marga' merupakan harapan kepada Bapak sebagai Purnawirawan TNI bahwa dengan jiwa Sapta Marga pasti akan memikirkan rakyat, bangsa dan negara," tulis Said Didu dalam suratnya.

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April 30, 2020 at 10:06PM

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Boy reported missing from Southern Indiana found ‘safe and sound’ - WAVE 3

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Boy reported missing from Southern Indiana found ‘safe and sound’  WAVE 3

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May 01, 2020 at 01:50AM

Boy reported missing from Southern Indiana found ‘safe and sound’ - WAVE 3
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Noteworthy - X, JC, what's your pet sound? - - Santa Monica Daily Press


Kept my promise from the previous NOTEWORTHY column to start listening to music with intention. An entire album (remember albums?), without distraction or interruption.

How can I ignore the times we’re in? I’m not. But we have to live the best lives we can. I trust most of us realize what great suffering so many are going through. I feel it’s important to be aware, but not to live in it. Those who watch Fox News are being fed a different perspective, I’ve found. They never show hospitals or grieving families or completely drained medical personnel, they just want to talk about the economy.

It doesn’t do anyone any good to just sit around the house and sink into depression. So I think those of us who are blessed should make good use of our time and examine our lives, psyches and souls and HAVE A LITTLE FUN.The arts are perfect for that, fertile ground to learn and grow. Our excuse before was always, well, yeah, but I don’t have the time.

This column has always been about noteworthy music and other cultural pursuits, now afforded us in very different ways than a couple of months ago. NICOLE RECOMMENDS a while back featured an event at arts collective In Sheep’s Clothing, that offered an unfettered music listening experience. But last week I pointed out that anyone could do it at home. Pick out a favorite recording (any format) and allow yourself the luxury of listening uninterrupted, start to finish. Turn that phone off and don’t answer the door (they’ll leave the package).

That’s key. Uninterrupted. Intentional listening. Not background music. You will enjoy that album more than you have in years or decades, and probably hear things you didn’t know were in there, or had forgotten.


Sure it was on the first shelf (alphabetical) but as soon as I saw it I said, Yup. What else? This was the 40th anniversary Fuzzy Package CD-DVD edition, original mono, stereo mix and surround sound. But my monster Sherwood receiver has been acting up and all I could access was the mono.

No biggie. I still marvelled at what Brian Wilson threw into his recordings, that you wouldn’t have detected on your AM car radio. Glockenspiels, bass harmonica, coconut shells, two basses together, theremin, full string sections, all blending like magic, and Brian always conducting those voices masterfully, gorgeously, like Lenny Bernstein on the Four Freshmen. I understand the groovy surf and car songs going global but how could he remain a hitmaker like this? No one else did this.

I did an interview with him when his first solo album came out, and his co-producer Andy Paley told me Brian was the only composer he ever knew of who walked into the studio with every single note of the arrangement already in his head.

What’s next? Can’t go back. Gotta keep having fun. I figured out how to set my sticky Sherwood to handle vinyl so I’ll probably go that route now. I cleaned out my collection years ago but kept the 1800 LPs I couldn’t bear to live without so, I’m good. But I think I have to go to 2x/wk now. You with me?


X’s NEW ALBUM “ALPHABETLAND” (Fat Possum Records) — X gets a lot of attention in this column — as they should, being one of the last standing, a**-kicking, OG LA punk bands — and now they have released their first album in 35 years, with the original lineup (John Doe, Exene Cervenka, Billy Zoom and DJ Bonebrake). Slated to be released in August, the group decided instead to drop it on the 40th anniversary of the release of their debut album “Los Angeles.” I can confirm that in those 40 years they have not lost their fire. Available for streaming or purchase on Bandcamp:

CHARLES CHIMES IN — second it all, Nicole. Thank you X for dropping this now when we could all use a blast of good energy. It’s really hard to believe they are still composing this well and kicking a** musically, 42 years in. Nicole and I saw them just four months ago, or was it four centuries ago, at the Teragram Ballroom DTLA and two generations were mightily impressed. This album shows what that live show did: X was not only one of the very best punk bands ever, one of the very best bands of any kind to come out of LA — but they still are. Glad they didn’t die before they got old.


Finally watched the 2-½ hour “Jesus Christ Superstar” live production from Easter 2018 that was broadcast again this past Easter. Don’t crucify me for blasphemy but Judas Priest I’m glad they resurrected it. John Legend has really become a superstar and he was a complex, compelling Jesus, Brandon Victor Dixon was a powerful Judas and Sarah Bareilles a perfect Mary Magdalene, Ben Daniels was scary as Pilate and Alice Cooper was totally Alice in his brief campy turn as Herod. Great sets, music and choreography. They nailed it.

Had to watch the GRAMMY Prince tribute, and I give an A-, might have been better but with many outstanding moments. Gary Clark Jr. of course, Legend again, Common, H.E.R. was great but should have gotten out of the way more of Pedro prima ballerina Misty Copeland, Sheila E brought high energy throughout, Morris Day & The Time were so much fun, and the incomparable Mavis Staples was the best choice to sing the final piece “Purple Rain,” rocked hard by his band the Revolution with Wendy Melvoin shredding, before the final all hands on deck ending.

Which was introduced by host and now featured musician Maya Rudolph. Why? Because she’s popular? So are Betty White and Justin Beiber. Because she had a joke act called Princess? Why do they do this? They also pushed her buddy Fred Armisen out there. Two of the unfunniest people on the planet, and certainly with no great credentials as musicians. Considering the towering stature of Prince as a musician, (along with everything else he did), and that awesome crew onstage, it was an insult. They did not earn a place on that stage. Show respect.

Although I was never a big Coldplay fan, a highlight was the slow rendition, piano only, that Chris Martin did with Bangle Susanna Hoffs of their hit “Manic Monday” — which, ‘scuse me, I did not know until that moment was written for the Bangles by Prince. When you heard the way they did it, it was clearly so Prince. Purple good, purple great, what a loss.


Listened Sunday to the broadcast from KUNM-FM in Albuquerque that I mentioned last column, “The Days of May: UNM 1970,” about the infamous student unrest there that resulted in 12 people injured, some very seriously, by rocks and National Guard bayonets, four days after the killing of four students at Kent State. Very well done by producer Kent Ian Paterson. Sex and drugs and rock and roll, politics and protest, Jane Fonda, a college president under siege, music of the era — you might dig it. Still available on the website for another week or so.

Charles Andrews has listened to a lot of music of all kinds, including more than 2,000 live shows. He has lived in Santa Monica for 34 years and wouldn’t live anywhere else in the world. Really. Send love and/or rebuke to him at

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April 30, 2020 at 01:00PM

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Don Lindich's Sound Advice: Think twice before getting a subwoofer with built-in wireless - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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April 30, 2020 at 08:00PM

Don Lindich's Sound Advice: Think twice before getting a subwoofer with built-in wireless - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
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Video Paduan Suara Gereja Lantunkan Sholawat Badar, Bikin Publik Merinding - - Potret toleransi beragama di Indonesia kembali ditunjukkan lewat media sosial. Dalam sebuah video, disebut-sebut paduan suara gereja tengah melantunkan sholawat.

Video itu seketika viral dan menyedot atensi warganet setelah dibagikan oleh pemilik akun Twitter @Irenecutemon, Kamis (29/4/2020).

"Sholawat versi anak-anak gereja," tulisnya seperti dikutip

Sementara dalam rekaman itu, terlihat sekelompok pemudan tengah berkumpul di sebuah tempat. Mereka berbaris rapi menghadap ke arah seorang pria.

Tak berselang lama, pria itu kemudian memainkan piano di hadapannya lalu membunyikan irama sholawatan.

Setelah itu, ia melantunkan sholawat  dan mengajak paduan suara untuk mengikutinya. Mereka lalu besholawat dengan merdunya.

Aksi sholawatan paduan suara gereja terekam dalam video berdurasi dua menit 20 detik.

Sejak dibagikan, video itu telah disaksikan sebanyak 199 ribu kali dan mendapat 9. 1 ribu likes.

Paduan suara gereja melantunakn sholawat. (Twitter)
Paduan suara gereja melantunakn sholawat. (Twitter)

Warganet yang menyaksikannya pun dibuat trenyuh melihat paduan suara gereja melantunkan sholawat hingga memberikan pujian.

Seperti akun @JhonniSinaga20 yang menuliskan, "Luar biasa...Nusantara bergema. Bagi Allah segala kemuliaan, amin".

"Versi panjangnya ada gak ya @Irenecutemom, ini bener-benar keren loh klo alat musiknya lengkap waduh mantap ini..... Cc. @addiems minat?" celoteh @adiwardhana888.

"Merinding dengarnya.. dinyanyikan dengan rasa Kasih..," tulis @GantangY.

Adapun warganet lainnya, turut membagikan potret toleransi lainnya di Indonesia.

"Indahnya toleransi di bidang musik, seperti di Desa Latta-Ambon, sambut peserta sidang Klasis Ambn timur 2017,pemuda Muslim dan Kristen mainkan alat musik iringi Shalawat. Selamat berbuka puasa teman-teman Muslim," kata @Noovys.

Lebih jelasnya, video paduan suara gereja sholawatan bisa klik di sini.

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April 30, 2020 at 05:28PM

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Ultrasonic Sound Gun Precisely Aims Your Music - Hackaday

When listening to music you sometimes cannot avoid the situation where other people get annoyed because they feel it disrupts their important doings or they do not share your taste in avant-garde doom metal. Of course one could just use headphones. But a hackier way would be to build a parametric speaker that focuses soundwaves into a narrow beam like [Shane] did with this ultrasonic sound gun.

As the directivity of a soundwave depends on the size of the source and its frequency, a directed beam can practically only be achieved with ultrasound. Even though we are not able to perceive frequencies above ~20 kHz, the nonlinear properties of air make it possible to hear the audio modulated onto an ultrasonic carrier signal. For his sound gun [Shane] was inspired by another parametric speaker project. It took him some time to get the 555 timer circuit oscillating at the right frequency and he fried a cheap Bluetooth audio module while trying to increase the output volume but in the end, he managed to get everything working. As the project name suggests, he also 3D printed a gun-shaped enclosure. The video below shows that the sound from the gun behaves really similar to a beam of light and can, for example, be bounced off other objects.

If you are looking for other inspiration there is a whole list of cool ultrasonic projects from distance sensors to acoustic levitation.

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April 30, 2020 at 03:00PM

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"OC Parks Sound Check" is a weekly virtual concert that takes place Saturdays throughout May - Los Angeles Times

The “OC Parks Sound Check” virtual concert series kicked off on April 25 with a performance by singer-songwriter Matt Costa.

He started by performing a song called “Human Kindness Song” that he wrote based on comments he asked people to send him through Instagram.

As Orange County continues to social distance, the county’s parks are closed, but OC Parks department will be hosting concerts by local artists every Saturday at 4 p.m. through May 30.

The next performance on May 2 will be an acoustic set by Dream Brother, otherwise known as Kristoger Winrich. His stage name Dream Brother comes from his admiration for Jeff Buckley, who recorded the song “Dream Brother” in 1994.

Tune in each week at the OC Parks Facebook page or their Instagram @ocparks.

OC Parks will announce the rest of their lineup through their Facebook page on May 4.

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April 30, 2020 at 06:51AM

"OC Parks Sound Check" is a weekly virtual concert that takes place Saturdays throughout May - Los Angeles Times
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Muncul Suara Bising dari Audio Mobil, Bisa Jadi Dari Sini Sumbernya -

Grounding system di mobil

Grounding system di mobil - Tingkat kebisingan suara atau noise menjadi salah satu patokan penting saat memasang perangkat audio mobil.

Semakin minim suara noise yang dihasilkan audio mobil berarti semakin baik juga kualitas suara yang dikeluarkan.

Selain dari faktor perangkat keras, ternyata ada hal lain yang bisa menjadi penyebab munculnya suara noise yang dihasilkan audio mobil.

"Saat instalasi audio mobil, kabel audio jangan dipasang berdekatan dengan kabel massa atau kabel bodi mobil," tekan Andreas Tjahjadi, CEO PT Audio Plus Indonesia kepada

Andreas menjelaskan, kabel bodi menghasilkan induksi listrik dari tegangan aliran listrik yang besar saat perangkat elektrikal mobil bekerja.

Kabel Audio Mobil dari Merek Tchernov Cable

Radityo Herdianto

Kabel Audio Mobil dari Merek Tchernov Cable

Baca Juga: Tidak Ingin Mobil Putih Kamu Jadi Menguning? Cegah Dengan Lakukan Ini

Di saat yang bersamaan, kabel audio juga mengalirkan tenaga listrik sebagai sinyal frekuensi yang diubah menjadi suara di speaker.

"Kabel audio yang dipasang berdekatan akan terkena induksi listrik dari kabel bodi, aliran sinyal frekuensi suara jadi terganggu," tutur Andreas.

Gangguan sinyal frekuensi suara akibat induksi listrik inilah yang memicu noise dari suara speaker seperti suara berisik, kasar, atau dengung.

Andreas menyarankan, saat instalasi audio mobil sebaiknya kabel audio dipasang sejauh mungkin dengan kabel bodi mobil.

"Kalau terpaksa ada bagian yang dipasang berdekatan, bisa tambah isolator kabel atau pakai kabel audio kualitas bagus yang bisa meredam induksi listrik," ujar Andreas.

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April 30, 2020 at 03:34PM

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Dijejali Piston Ganda, Suara Honda GL Tua Ini Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap - - Di tanah air, banyak tersedia bengkel spesialis modifikasi motor ekstrem, modifikasi motor retro kustom, dan ada juga bengkel balap.

Namun tak cuma itu, ada juga bengkel yang fokus pada perombakan mesin secara ekstrem. Seperti yang satu ini.

Tua namun sangar dan liar, tiga hal itulah yang sekilas terngiang saat melihat motor hasil racikan bengkel Psychoengine.

Bengkel spesialis mesin motor kustom ini berhasil menyulap sebuah motor Honda GL tua yang bermesin single silinder menjadi motor L-engine berpiston ganda.

Layaknya suara motor multi-silinder pada umumnya, motor ini pun mampu menghasilkan suara yang cukup merdu bagi kalangan pencinta motor. Seperti apa? Simak video berikut ini.

"Kangen Turing cb ,tak terasa sudah hampir 5 tahun absen,GL 156 up L engine 400" tulis akun tersebut.

Pada video itu, terlihat bahwa motor ini terlihat memiliki warna hitam dengan kombinasi kelir warna merah, abu-abu dan putih.

Selain itu, terlihat bahwa motor ini menggunakan mesin berpendingin udara yang suah menjadi karakter dari motor tersebut. Hanya saja mesin ini dijejali dengan satu blok silinder ekstra sehingga kapasitas mesin ini pun otomatis naik dua kali lipat.

Dengan wujud mesin yang tergolong ekstrem serta suara raungan mesin yang tergolong merdu, motor ini pun mengundang sederet decak kagum dari kalangan warganet seperti pada beberapa komentar berikut ini.

"Manntaaf suara nya.." tulis @zanki36.

"Suaranya menyejukkan kalbu di bulan ramadhan ini" ujar @andhy_nugroho.

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April 30, 2020 at 10:28AM

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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Suara Bearing Rusak atau Ban yang Berisik? Begini Cara Membedakannya - – Membedakan suara ban mobil yang berisik dengan bunyi bearing roda yang rusak memang terkadang sulit.

Apalagi suara yang ditimbulkan dari ban yang berisik dan bearing yang rusak sama-sama semakin keras seiring kecepatan mobil yang meningkat.

Jangan sampai kita sudah terlanjur membeli ban baru, padahal sumber masalahnya ada di bearing roda yang rusak.

Nah, akan berbagi tips tentang cara mengetahui sumber bunyinya berdasarkan referensi dari buku Automotive Technology: Principles, Diagnosis, and Service karya James D. Halderman.

Ilustrasi bearing roda mobil

Automotive Technology: Principles, Diagnosis, and Service

Ilustrasi bearing roda mobil

(Baca Juga: OMG, Ini Cara Mudah Deteksi Kerusakan Bearing Roda Mobil)

1. Coba berkendara di kondisi jalan yang berbeda-beda

Jika suara berubah-ubah sesuai dengan kondisi jalannya, maka itu suara yang datang dari ban mobil kita.

Sebaliknya, jika bunyi tetap sama, itu pertanda bearing roda sudah rusak.

2. Coba secara sementara naikkan tekanan ban (overinflating)

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April 30, 2020 at 01:12PM

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Ibunda Gigi Hadid Buka Suara, Benarkan Putrinya Hamil - - - Yolanda Hadid, ibu dari supermodel Gigi Hadid, berikan konfirmasi terkait kabar kehamilan putrinya.

Dalam perbincangan dengan RTL Boulevard, Yolanda mengaku dia awalnya terkejut dengan rahasia yang bocor, tetapi pada saat bersamaan keluarga mereka juga senang mendengarnya.

"Saya tidak sabar menjadi nenek," kata Yolanda.

Baca juga: Kekasih Zayn Malik, Gigi Hadid, Disebut Hamil 20 Minggu

"Semua berjalan baik, tapi kami masih terkejut bahwa rahasia kecil kami bocor ke media. Tentu kami senang," sambungnya.

Diberitakan sebelumnya model 25 tahun itu sedang hamil 20 minggu.

Sumber dari keluarga menyebut bahwa bayi yang dikandung Gigi berjenis kelamin perempuan.

Baca juga: Perlahan Ubah Gaya Berpakaian, Cara Gigi Hadid Sembunyikan Kehamilan?

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April 30, 2020 at 10:34AM

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Suara Tak Bisa Didengar Saat Bahas Teori Konspirasi, Ini Penjelasan Jerinx - - Musisi Jerinx SID memberi komentar soal diskusinya dengan dokter Tirta Hudhi tentang teori konspirasi dan realita rumah sakit dalam pemberitaan virus corona di Indonesia.

Diskusi yang dilakukan pada Rabu (29/4/2020) itu berlangsung melalui siaran langsung Instagram mereka.

Namun, diskusi yang bertajuk Teori Konspirasi X Realita Rumah Sakit ini mengalami kendala teknis yang membuat uraian Jerinx tak bisa didengar baik oleh penonton maupun dokter Tirta.

"Saya tidak memaksa orang untuk percaya tentang teori konspirasi, tapi jangan percaya omongan saya, jangan percaya omongan Cipenk, dan omongan mainstream media, jangan dengerin media mana pun. Cari informasi sendiri," begitu bunyi pernyataan terakhir Jerinx sebelum akhirnya suaranya tak bisa didengar.

Diskusi pun berakhir dan Jerinx angkat bicara soal kejadian ini lewat Instagram-nya.

"Seperti yang kalian lihat, ketika Tirta berbicara sinyal baik-baik saja. Ketika saya mencoba membongkar teori konspirasi, sinyal langsung hancur," kata Jerinx (30/4/2020).

Ia mengaku bahwa kendala tersebut tidak sengaja dibuat oleh mereka.

Lebih lanjut, Jerinx kembali menyimpulkan pembahasan diskusi soal pemberitaan virus corona di Indonesia yang dianggapnya dibesar-besarkan media.

"Kita harus sama-sama menekan dan mengingatkan mainstream media untuk mengurangi narasi ketakutan mereka. Ingatkan mereka bahwa jurnalisme tugasnya bukan untuk menakut-nakuti rakyat," kata Jerinx.

Sebelumnya, Jerinx berpendapat bahwa kepanikan atas virus corona di Indonesia sangat dipengaruhi oleh berita-berita di media mainstream.

Ia bahkan menginisiasi tagar #matikanTV untuk mengampanyekan agar masyarakat bisa meminimalisir konsumsi berita yang menimbulkan ketakutan soal virus corona.

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April 30, 2020 at 10:48AM

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Suara dari Senayan Minta KPK Pelototi Anggaran - detikNews

Jakarta -

Anggota DPR RI meminta KPK mengawasi betul penggunaan anggaran penangan pandemi virus Corona (COVID-19), baik di tingkat pusat maupun daerah. Para wakil rakyat di Senayan itu meminta KPK memelototi anggaran untuk penanganan wabah Corona karena jumlahnya yang sangat besar.

Suara-suara agar KPK mengawasi anggaran penanganan Corona disampaikan dalam rapat kerja antara Komisi III DPR RI dengan pimpinan KPK yang disiarkan langsung di YouTube DPR, Rabu (29/4/2019). Ketua Komisi III Herman Herry mengimbau agar KPK bisa bekerja sama dengan kejaksaan dalam mengawasi penggunaan anggaran tersebut.

"KPK harus berperan aktif melakukan pengawasan. Seperti kita ketahui, jumlah anggaran penanganan COVID-19 oleh pemerintah sangat besar, yaitu mencapai Rp 405 triliun," kata Herman.

Herman menekankan KPK juga harus mengetahui titik-titik dalam penanganan penyebaran virus Corona yang dapat berpotensi menjadi celah korupsi. Anggota DPR dari Fraksi PDIP itu mengingatkan KPK untuk terus berkoordinasi dengan pemerintah pusat dan daerah.

"Koordinasi antara KPK dengan pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah harus diperkuat agar alokasi dan penggunaan anggaran penanganan COVID-19 bisa dimonitor sejak awal," sebut Herman.

"Selain itu, KPK juga mesti memetakan dan mengantisipasi titik-titik yang rawan terjadi penyelewengan, korupsi, kolusi, nepotisme, hingga konflik kepentingan terkait penggunaan anggaran ini," imbuhnya.

Herman menyadari keterbatasan KPK dalam mengawasi seluruh penggunaan anggaran penanganan virus Corona. Karena itu, dia menyarankan KPK bekerja sama dengan pihak Kejaksaan.

"Oleh sebab itu, saran konkret saya, apakah mungkin dalam konteks mengawasi,mencegah maupun penindakan terhadap penyimpangan-penyimpangan yang ada dalam anggaran COVID ini, KPK mengadakan kerja sama dengan aparat penegak hukum lainnya, yaitu kejaksaan, kenapa? Karena kejaksaan punya infra sampai di kabupaten-kabupaten," papar Herman.

Dalam rapat kerja tersebut, Ketua KPK Firli Bahuri memastikan pihaknya mengawasi bagian anggaran hingga penyaluran bantuan sosial untuk masyarakat terdampak wabah virus Corona. Soal anggaran, KPK meminta pemerintah transparan.

"Bansos kita awasi, penganggaran kita awasi, bantuan pihak ketiga juga kita awasi. Dan untuk itu, tentu, karena kita baca ada kerawanan-kerawanan, lebih khusus lagi terkait dengan pelaksanaan bansos, karena ini menjadi hak rakyat, dia (bansos) harus sampai, tepat guna, tepat jumlah, tepat sasaran," ungkap Firli.

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April 30, 2020 at 03:02AM

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Mauricio Pochettino Buka Suara Soal Newcastle United - Tempo

TEMPO.CO, JakartaMauricio Pochettino digadang-gadang akan menjadi Manajer Newcastle United musim depan. Pria asal Argentina itu merupakan pilihan nomor satu pemilik baru The Magpies, Muhammad bin Salman.

Dalam wawancara dengan media BT Sport, Pochettino akhirnya berbicara soal kemungkinan dia menangani Newcastle United. Meskipun demikian, dia tampak tak bisa menyembunyikan hasratnya untuk kembali menangani Tottenham Hotspur.

"Tentu saja saya akan melangkah ke depan dan saya sangat termotivasi soal proyek selanjutnya," kata Pochettino.

"Tetapi jauh di lubuk hati saya ingin kembali (ke Tottenham) karena suporter di sana sangat spesial. Mungkin dalam 5 tahun ke depan, mungkin dalam 10 tahun, tetapi sebelum saya mati saya ingin kembali menangani Tottenham."

Pochettino tak banyak bicara soal Newcastle United, dia justru masih tampak penasaran dengan Tottenham yang nyaris dia bawa meraih gelar juara Liga Inggris dan Liga Champions.

"Saya ingin merasakan bagaimana berartinya memenangkan satu gelar dengan Tottenham karena suporter di sana sangat luar biasa. Semua rasa cinta yang kami terima luar biasa dan merupakan kesempatan yang sangat baik jika bisa membayar kembali semua cinta yang mereka tunjukkan pada kami," kata dia.

Pochettino sebelumnya disebut sebagai pilihan utama untuk menggantikan Steve Bruce di kursi Manajer Newcastle United musim depan. Dia dianggap sebagai orang yang cocok untuk mengangkat performa The Toon Army sesuai keinginan MBS, sebutan Muhammad bin Salman.

Newcastle United dikabarkan siap membayar Pochettino dengan gaji sebesar 19 juta pound sterling per musim. Nilai itu akan membuat dia menjadi manajer dengan gaji tertinggi kedua di Liga Inggris. Pochettino hanya akan kalah dari Manajer Manchester City, Pep Guardiola, yang mendapatkan bayaran 20 juta pound sterling pre musim.


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Coast Guard searching for missing diver in Port Royal Sound - ABC NEWS 4

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Coast Guard searching for missing diver in Port Royal Sound  ABC NEWS 4

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April 29, 2020 at 10:41PM

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Sound Gets No Respect, But Combining Its Two Oscar Categories Is a Start - IndieWire

Let’s get this out of the way: Great films tell stories with sound, but you’d never know it for the kind of credit accorded to the mixers and editors who create it. While cinematographers like “Roger” and “Chivo” have become rock-star mononymous with their images that people can see, aural peers like Gary Rydstrom, Ai-Ling Lee, Julian Slater, Skip Lievsay and Ren Klyce lack the same kind of recognition — even as their work plays a role that’s as great, if not greater.

So when the Academy Governors chose to reduce the number of Oscars awarded for sound by 50 percent, to one — combining Best Sound Editing and Mixing into a single category, Best Sound — that looks like yet another slight to the craft. However, the change was inevitable: The delineation itself didn’t recognize the way modern-day films create sound.

That’s not to suggest sound mixing and editing are the same thing. They are not, and each has its own guild with its own awards. Motion Picture Sound Editors have the Golden Reels, which splits sound editing into disciplines including Best Dialogue/ADR, Best Sound Effects/Foley, and Best Music Underscore (music editors). When the Cinema Audio Society celebrates the best in mixing, they include production, re-recording, dialogue, scoring, ADR, and foley mixers.

However, to the Academy at large, and tens of millions of film fans, their appreciation and understanding of the craft is reduced to what they can hear — what we commonly refer to as sound design. It’s much like production design; an appreciative eye doesn’t delineate the contribution of how locations are dressed, sets are designed, constructed, and painted, props are chosen, or how color, texture and space are used to tell a story.

The Academy’s two sound categories are also a relic of a pre-digital age that fails to account for the evolution of post-production sound. Today, sound editing and mixing have overlapped to the point that even the most astute audiophile might have trouble distinguishing the contribution of each. A lot has changed since the time when movies were cut, spliced, and taped together on flatbeds, and the sound editing team recorded and created sounds that were edited into various tracks.


Richard King, the four-time Oscar-winning sound editor (“Dunkirk,” “Inception,” “The Dark Knight,” “Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World”), said he believes the merger was inevitable and overdue.

“When I started out in the ’80s, we worked on film,” he said. “As a sound editor, one could only hear one sound at a time so it was totally a conceptual process designing the sound of a scene or event. You didn’t hear your creation till you got to the stage. Random access editing on a computer changed all that. Now all those tracks can also be heard together and mixed in editorial, taking the design process another giant step forward.”

In an earlier time, the mixing team would be the first ones to take the various tracks and figure out how they blend and work in unison; that’s no longer the case. Similarly, actual sound creation is no longer purely the realm of the sound editor.

“Re-recording mixers subsequently do a lot of editing and adjusting to that work,” said King. “And some are the very people who cut the tracks in the first place.”

We often associate getting just the right sound with sound editors — the wail of a police siren, or the crumbling of the earth — but today just as much credit is due to how it’s manipulated and combined with other sounds, which is the domain of the re-recording mixer.

For example, there’s the sound of a glacier crumbling in “Our Planet.” Watching this, you might assume the sounds themselves were the product of the sound editing team gathering noises from field recordings, sound libraries, or foleys. Those raw materials are there, but there is a process of selection, creation, and manipulation that belongs to re-recording sound mixer Graham Wild. Here, he tells the story of how we experience an enormous chunk of earth crash into the ocean.

It’s accurate to say the roles have blurred to some degree, but it is more accurate to say sound editing and mixing have become more unified, working together in a more sophisticated way. Top sound designers and artisans increasingly require a combined skill set and incorporate both mixing and editing into their jobs on a daily basis.

All of this also applies to the increasingly blurred lines between sound design and score, something that Academy has tried to ignore — but progress is slow in the awards world.

Possibly the best justification for combining sound mixing and editing is the recent award results themselves. In 11 of the last 14 years, four of the five nominees in the sound editing and mixing categories (decided by members of the Academy’s sound branch) were the same. Academy voters picked the same film to win both awards eight times during that period; when the winners do diverge, they fall into an absurd distinction: guns (sound editing) vs. music (sound mixing). “Letters from Iwo Jima” vs. “Dreamgirls” in 2006, “Skyfall” and “Zero Dark 30” (tied) vs. “Les Misérables” in 2012, and “American Sniper” vs “Whiplash” in 2014. Not exactly a sophisticated take on the difference between sound mixing and editing. In fact, it’s reductive of a craft that has only grown more complex.

Additional Reporting by Bill Desowitz. 

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Diam-diam Tarawih Berjemaah, Tanpa Pengeras Suara -, Samarinda - Memasuki malam ketujuh Ramadan, seperti biasa, adzan untuk salat isya berkumandang. Melalui pengeras suara, hampir setiap masjid saling bersahutan memberi tanda jika waktu salat telah tiba.

Kebanyakan masjid di Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur tidak menggelar salat jemaah. Tapi tidak untuk masjid di sebuah perumahan besar di kota yang berjuluk Kota Tepian itu.

Satu per satu penghuni perumahan mendatangi masjid. Tak hanya sendiri, mereka membawa keluarganya masing-masing.

Kondisi perumahan yang padat, ditambah posisi masjid yang berada di tengah-tengah pemukiman, tidak terlihat aktivitas itu. Mereka melaksanakan salat isya secara berjamaah.

Tak disangka, aktivitas ibadah wajib bagi umat Islam itu berlanjut ke salat tarawih. Masjid yang mampu menampung hingga 50 orang itu penuh dengan jemaah. Tak hanya orang dewasa, saf paling akhir diisi anak-anak serta perempuan yang dibatasi tirai.

Dari pantauan di masjid tersebut, tidak ada jarak antar jamaah dan sebagian besar tidak menggunakan masker. Suasana masjid hening. Hanya suara bacaan imam yang terdengar sayup-sayup dari tepi jalan.

Suasana di sekitar masjid juga tampak lengang. Tak ada kendaraan terparkir, seolah tak ada aktivitas di dalam masjid.

“Namanya Ramadan, pasti kita rindu dengan salat tarawih berjamaah,” kata seorang warga yang keluar masjid usai salat tarawih dan masih mengenakan mukena.

 Warga sekitar masjid memang masih melaksanakan salat berjamaah, terutama salat maghrib dan salat isya. Kegiatan itu dilanjutkan dengan salat tarawih berjamaah.

“Takmir masjid sengaja tak memakai pengeras suara agar hanya warga sekitar masjid saja yang ikut salat berjamaah,” lanjut perempuan itu.

Padahal, Kota Samarinda sedang menuju fase pundak epidemiologi Covid-19. Pasien positif terjangkit virus itu bertambah dari hari ke hari. Pasien Dalam Pengawasan (PDP) juga ikut bertambah banyak.

Himbauan demi himbauan terus disampaikan oleh Pemerintah Kota Samarinda agar masyarakat melaksanakan ibadah Ramadan di rumah. Namun ada saja warga yang tidak mengindahkan himbauan tersebut.

Kasus salat berjamaah diam-diam ini setidaknya ditemukan di beberapa tempat di Kota Samarinda. Dari pantauan di beberapa tempat, salat berjamaah diam-diam ini juga ditemukan.

Masjid yang melaksanakan pun kebanyakan berada di kawasan yang tak terlihat dari keramaian. Kesadaran sebagian masyarakat masih rendah dalam mencegah penularan Covid-19.

Hal ini pula yang dikeluhkan oleh Direktur RSUD AW Syahranie Samarinda dr David Masjhoer. Dia meminta jurnalis untuk mengingatkan warga soal puncak pandemi ini yang sudah di depan mata.

“Karena Samarinda hari ini mulai memasuki masa puncak wabah, saya berpesan kepada teman-teman pers untuk membantu menyampaikan ke masyarakat benar-benar menerapkan social distancing dan physical distancing, kalau tidak perlu sekali untuk tidak keluar rumah,” pesan David.

Dia juga heran dengan perilaku masyarakat yang masih keluar rumah, terutama sore hari jelang berbuka puasa. Jalan tambah ramai dengan lalu lalang warga.

“Beberapa kali kita kecolongan pasien dari luar yang masuk dan ternyata reaktif rapid test, mengakibatkan beberapa  petugas kesehatan harus diistirahatkan di RS AW Syahranie,” katanya.

Puncak pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Samarinda diprediksi terjadi pada Bulan Mei hingga Juni 2020. Perlu upaya serius agar warga sadar bahwa virus ini mudah menyebar.

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